Texas Straight Talk

A weekly column

Can Foreign Aid Save Africa?

Congress is poised to pass the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) authorizing up to $50 million in unconstitutional foreign aid.  The bill passed out of the Foreign Affairs Committee with a bipartisan agreement to nearly double the President's requested amount.  It is always distressing to see officials in our government reach across the aisle to disregard Constitutional limitations.

Much of this aid will run through government-to-government channels and will be vulnerable to corruption.  Some of the aid will be sent to faith-based organizations who, along with accepting government largess, will now be subject to governmental controls and will soon become more dependent on taxpayer funding than private funds.  If they accept the aid, they must be careful of the vague language regarding what types of programs they can run.  For example, the requirement that 33 percent of any funding received must go toward abstinence-only programs has been dropped and replaced with a 50 percent requirement toward behavior change.  Many humanitarian organizations are incensed by the politicized requirements placed on their work, and feel they are being forced to continue failed programs at the expense of more effective ones.

The obvious question remains:  Why are politicians in the United States deciding what is best for people in Africa ?  And why are taxpayers in the United States being forced to fund –for example - family planning facilities that perform abortions?

In fact, Afrobarometer, a leading source of data on public attitudes in Africa asked Africans what their main developmental concerns were.  They found that Africans are much more concerned about jobs, agriculture and basic infrastructure than they are about health issues like AIDS.

Africans should decide what is best for Africa .  American taxpayers should decide what charities deserve their money.  Forcibly taking money from the United States and sending it overseas is unconstitutional and immoral.

The energy that lobbying groups and celebrities expend for charitable causes here on the Hill could be better put to use actually addressing problems.  It is sadly symptomatic of the trend toward bigger government that instead of private fundraising efforts, people put their hand out to Congress.  It is unfortunate that some activists prefer funding taken by force, to donations freely given.

These efforts, though well-meaning, are misguided.  The truth is all the foreign aid in the world will not transform Africa into a thriving, healthy continent.  The economic growth of Africa depends on African entrepreneurs, liberalized trade policies, and political and economic freedom.  The best thing we could possibly do for Africa and for our own country, is to stop sending misguided aid, and stop protectionist trade practices that prevent African farmers and producers from competing in our markets.  Perhaps then Africa's leaders would focus less on how to get aid out of the United States , and more on the economic vitality of their own countries.

Posted by Ron Paul (03-27-2008, 02:04 PM) filed under Unspecified


Comment by Larry Wall
June 26, 2008 09:05 PM
We learned about this in my first economics 101 classes.
Comment by Michaeline Dilworth-Adkins
July 21, 2008 02:12 PM
Thank you! We have enough of our own problems to fix. We can't afford to be fixing the problems of the world - and let's face it - no matter how much America does for other countries, they never remember it, nor do they return it when we are in need.
Comment by Corie
August 25, 2008 12:52 PM
When will people realize that having the government throw our tax money at problems isn't the solution?

Once again, Dr. Paul you are the voice of reason.
Comment by Marshall Miller
August 31, 2008 10:35 PM
Dr. Paul is right again. I'm amazed at how many "conservative" Repubs vote for the foreign aid insanity. All should oppose it. Of course, this type of spending is unconstitutional on its face and completely wasted.
Comment by Vivian Crawford
September 11, 2008 01:18 AM
You are so correct. Can you tell me how the unconstitutional spending gets approved and why our representatives don't challenge the constitutionality more, or all the time!
Also, would I be waisting my vote if I wrote your name in on the November ballot?
Comment by annette orban
October 18, 2008 10:48 PM
Hi Dr. Paul
Can I write your name in on the ballot in November? I am so sick of hearing the 2 candidates spouting the same old rhetoric. When will this country return to it's history of independence and personal responsiblity?? Why do so many people believe our government must take care of all of their needs?? I was sickened by the passage of the Wall Street Bail Out legislation and no longer wish to cast my vote for either Obama or Mccain!

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